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Kasab confesses involvement in 26/11

In a sudden move, Ajmal Amir Kasab on Monday confessed to his involvement in the Mumbai attacks. The main accused in the case narrated the entire sequence of events that led to the terror strikes on November 26, 2008.

The lone surviving terrorist of the Mumbai attacks named Lashkar-e-Toiba's Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi as the mastermind behind the attacks. He also named Abu Hamza as one of the Pakistani handlers.

The Mumbai attacks had claimed more than 150 lives and left many injured.

Kasab is believed to be a resident of Faridkot in Pakistan. He is currently lodged in Arthur Road jail in Mumbai. In his confessional statement, Kasab said he and other terrorists were brought from Karachi, led by Lakhvi and Abu Hamza. Kasab's defense was taken by surprise at his admission.

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