Internet search giant Google on Tuesday said it has closed one of its offices in Hyderabad for two days after an employee was diagnosed with the H1N1 virus.
This is the first company in India to close office due to swine flu.
Google has shut its premises to sanitize the campus, located in Hyderabad's Hi tech city area. The suspicion is that the one staffer may have passed it on to at least seven other employees who are now in the isolation ward at Hyderabad's Chest Hospital.
The office will be disinfected before it is reopened. So far 23 confirmed cases of swine flu have been reported from Hyderabad.
However, Google added that there would be no impact on the operations.
"This is not the Google's main office in Hyderabad. This is a small center with very few people. So there would be no impact on operations," Google said.