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Mitsubishi Shows 155-inch OLED TV

For a couple years now, 150 inches has been as big as a television can get. Mitsubishi have broken this barrier with 155 inch OLED TV.

Mitsubishi's enormous OLED television is actually built from hundreds of tiny OLED panels, each a minuscule 1.5 square inches in size. By putting the tiles together in a checkerboard pattern, the mega-TV is created. The advantage of this TV is that it is modular and can be up sized at will.

The modular nature means the large screens can be curved in large installations, to follow the curvature of a building, wall or wherever else it's installed. Thanks to the OLED technology used in the creation of this system, brightness is said to be three times greater than in regular LCD TVs.

The technology has disadvantage also apart from the high cost involved, the organic compounds in the pixels degrade over time, however, with the set's life rated at 20,000 hours of continuous use.

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